Dyslexia Centre: Assessment, Advice, Support

Dyslexia Centre: Assessment, Advice, Support

Assessment Services

Assessment Services

We offer a Standard and Comprehensive Assessment service (package). Alternatively clients are likely to benefit from one (or more) optional diagnostic assessments depending on individual circumstances. We can advise you with no obligation.

“We are in a fortunate position in that we have the expertise to be able to assess several key areas that relate to literacy and learning – including visual, auditory and motor skills.”

Our assessments:

Thorough Cognitive Assessment (WISC/WIAT)Perhaps the longest part of assessment and involves skills relating to verbal, visual (spatial), short term memory and processing speed. This provides an indication of abilities and gives a thorough strengths-weaknesses profile.
Full diagnostic literacy (attainment) assessmentIn this area all key literacy (and sometimes numeracy) skills are assessed, including spelling, reading, and skills relating to the literacy processing including phonological (sound) awareness.
Detailed ReportFollowing our assessments we provide you with fast feedback in the way of a report, which includes findings and recommendations. These can be used for exam concessions (within a 24 month period).
Comprehensive & Additional
Screening for Scotopic Sensitivity (Irlen Syndrome or Visual Stress)Scotopic Sensitivity is often referred to as ‘Irlen Syndrome’ and more generally known as visual stress. This commonly accounts for the experience of words jumping around or blurring on the page. We are one of very few assessment centres able to screen this area (using I.T.) to ascertain whether any difficulties are likely to exist.
Audiological (listening) assessmentWe are to assess hearing by an audiological (listening) assessment. This will identify a) whether hearing is within the ‘normal’ range and b) whether there are any anomalies in certain frequency ranges. For example, hearing vowels occurs in a lower frequency range than hearing some consonants.
Visual Motor Integration assessment (motor skills)Core motor, coordination and balance skills must be in place in order to learn effectively. Most psychological assessments may miss out this aspect. Assessment of these areas provides an indication as to whether there is any delay or complication in this area. Motor coordination can be a difficulty commonly found with dyspraxia.